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Issue #7, November 2022

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  • Mikal Wix lives in the American South, which seeds insight into many outlooks, including revenant visions from the closet. Their work can be found or is forthcoming in Corvus Review, Peregrine Journal, Berkeley Poetry Review, Tahoma Literary Review, Roi Fainéant Press, decomp journal, Olit, and elsewhere. They work as a science editor by day.

  • Alex Stanley is a graduate of Boston College, and he received his MFA in Creative Writing at the University of California, Irvine. He is a former sports journalist, and his sports writing has been featured in Sports Illustrated. His published poems have appeared in American Poets Magazine, the HCE Review, Poet’s Choice, Helix Magazine, Sunspot Literary Journal, RockPaperPoem, Beyond Words Magazine, Wingless Dreamer, Duck Lake Journal, The Write Launch and the Doozine. He is a recipient of the 2021 Academy of American Poets Award. He resides in Costa Mesa, CA.

  • Cas McKinney currently reads, writes, and studies at Georgia College and State University. She is from Cleveland, TN, and graduated from UTC with a BA in English: Creative Writing.

  • Cathy Joyce Clay is a native Houstonian. In 2019, she earned an MA in Pastoral Studies from the University of St. Thomas. She is currently completing a novel and a collection of short stories. In addition to writing, she enjoys family, animals, and the arts.

  • Holly Eva Allen is a writer and academic currently living in California. Her work has been previously published in magazines and sites such as Funicular, Peculiar, Sand Hills, and Farside Review. She is the co-EIC for Foothill Journal and EIC for Horned Things. You can find her work at or follow her on Twitter @hollyevaallen.

  • Gary Lark’s most recent collections are "Easter Creek," Main Street Rag, "Daybreak on the Water," Flowstone Press and "Ordinary Gravity," Airlie Press . His work has appeared in Beloit Poetry Journal, Catamaran, Rattle, Sky Island and others.

  • Laura Beth Johnson is an award winning poet and songwriter based in Upstate New York. She was awarded the Lucy Monro Brooker Poetry Prize in 2017 and a Songwriting Fellowship by Image Magazine in 2019. Her poetry has been published in journals and collections with Post Mortem Press, Lady Blue Publishing, Indie Earth Publishing, Etchings Press, and The Lanthorn. You can find her music on all streaming platforms under the moniker “Sorrow Estate”.

  • Trapper Markelz (he/him) is a poet, husband, and father of four, who writes from Boston, Massachusetts. His work has appeared in the journals Baltimore Review, Stillwater Review, Bangalore Review, Wild Roof Journal, Greensboro Review, Passengers Journal, High Shelf Press, Dillydoun Review, and others. You can learn more about him at

  • Rohan Buettel lives in Canberra, Australia. His haiku have appeared in various Australian and international journals (including Frogpond, Cattails and The Heron’s Nest). His longer poetry most recently appears in The Elevation Review, Rappahannock Review, Penumbra Literary and Art Journal, Mortal Magazine, Passengers Journal, Reed Magazine, Meniscus and Quadrant.

  • Livia Meneghin (she/her) is the author of "Honey in My Hair" and a GASHER review writer. She is the winner of Breakwater Review's 2022 Peseroff Prize, a Writers' Room of Boston Fellowship, and The Academy of American Poets' 2020 University Prize. Her writing has found homes in Solstice Lit, Entropy, Tinderbox, Whale Road Review, and elsewhere. She earned her MFA at Emerson, where she now teaches.

  • Ian Power-Luetscher is a writer based in Minneapolis. His work has appeared in The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Huffington Post, RacketMN, Paper Darts and some other places that don't exist anymore like City Pages and The Onion A.V. Club-Twin Cities. When he's not writing, there's a pretty good chance he's thinking about sandwiches. Other times he's walking his dog. Sometimes while he's walking his dog, he's also thinking about sandwiches. It's dog walks and sandwiches all the way down. Twitter: IanJPower Insta: IanJPower

  • Teresa Fico is a librarian and recent English MA graduate from the University of Massachusetts, Boston. In her spare time, she sits on her porch and complains about the pigeons that gather on her lawn.

  • Lori Mairs (1961- 2021) lived in the forest as the caretaker of the Woodhaven Nature Conservancy in Kelowna, BC for 15 years. She completed her BFA and then an MFA in Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of British Columbia Okanagan. Her primary concerns were the relationships we have with each other as humans and the deep and often reaching relationships humans have with the more-than-human world. For many years she wrote a blog, “The Land of 7:30.” She was an ecological artist and a personal growth consultant.

  • Tim Cummings holds an MFA in Creative Writing from Antioch University Los Angeles and a BFA from New York University/Tisch School of the Arts. Recent publications include works in F(r)iction, Scare Street, Lunch Ticket, Meow Meow Pow Pow, From Whispers to Roars, Drunk Monkeys, and Critical Read/RAFT, for which he won the 'Origins' essay contest and received a Pushcart Prize nomination for his essay, "You Have Changed Me Forever." A regular contributor at LA Review of Books (LARB), he writes features, reviews, and interviews authors. He teaches writing for UCLA Extension's Writers' Program. His debut novel, ALICE THE CAT, will be published on 5/23/23 by Fitzroy Books.

  • Paul Rousseau (he/his/him) is a semi-retired physician, writer, lover of dogs, and occasional photographer published in sundry literary and medical journals. Co-winner of flash fiction competition, Serious Flash Fiction 2022. Nominated for The Best Small Fictions anthology from Sonder Press, 2020. Twitter: @ScribbledCoffee

  • Anthony Chatfield lives in Philadelphia with his family and is completing his M.F.A. at Drexel University. His work has been published in Bricolage. You can find more information on his website at

  • Jamie Willoughby has music forthcoming in Abstract Magazine: Contemporary Expressions, and his fiction has appeared in The Aurora Journal. He is a senior in high school at Geffen Academy in Los Angeles.

  • Cristina Querrer was born and raised in the Philippines, post-Vietnam War, during the Marcos regime, pre-Mount Pinatubo eruption, as a US Air Force military child. Querrer has two published books of poetry, “By Astrolabes & Constellations” by Agave Press that won a silver medal from Florida Authors and Publishers Association President's Award, and chapbook, “The Art of Exporting”, by dancing girl press, and other various publications online and in print. She is a U.S. Army veteran, has an MFA in Creative Writing and an MLIS. She is a writer, visual artist, singer/songwriter, producer, and podcaster. You can learn more about her and her work at


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